Author Archives: viconadmin

This is mainly about helping inspire individuals and organisations to realise their full potential.

These are the kinds of questions it helps resolve:

  • What are we trying to achieve (personally/as a team)?
  • Where should we focus our sales effort?
  • What strengths can we bring to our selling?
  • What new skills and techniques do we need to learn?
  • How can we get our people to “cross-sell”?
  • How can we put some structure into our business development?
  • How can we turn a social conversation into a business conversation?
  • How can we make networking more effective and enjoyable?

Typically it can involve:

  • Personal development coaching
  • Executive and leadership coaching
  • Business development coaching
  • Tailored team development workshops
  • Business development and sales training
  • Strategic networking training

coaching-logosI am a qualified Personal and Business Coach and a member of the Association for Coaching.

I am also an associate of Huthwaite International, the leading sales training and behavioural research organisation and owner of the SPIN ™ sales training methodology for high value sales.

This is about helping clients bring rigour and effectiveness to their marketing and business development programmes. These are the kinds of questions it helps resolve: How can we become more marketing/customer led? How can we make our marketing more effective? Where should we be focusing our efforts? How should we be spending our marketing budget?Continue Reading

This is about helping clients bring clarity to their organisational brand and then aligning their business behind it. These are the kinds of questions it helps resolve: What’s special and different about this organisation? What’s our “elevator pitch”? What is our customer proposition? How can we differentiate ourselves from the competition? How can we achieveContinue Reading